Thursday, July 26, 2012

The Travelling

There are many a things that happened today (or rather last couple of days?) I cant divulge to much information, but I am now in the middle east. It started on ummm Tuesday? possibly? ALL I know is that we started screening our bags on Morning 1, loaded bags by Afternoon 1, and was in Maine late Night 1. Next is where time sorta slips away from me.. I ended up eating breakfast in Ireland (or was it brunch? maybe a midnight snack? We just managed to eat every 6 hours) I called a very Special Woman early in the morning her time (CLICK ME) and was off again. My last leg was 6.5 hours long, and it was dark when we hit the ground (i.e midnight local time) 2 bathroom breaks and a drive down the capital, and bam! I'm here, when we got her with all our bags, the sun was rising already. (Travel day 3?) After a quick orientation, its off to breakfast, and breifings all day, I hope I won't sleep until later, so I can reset my clock to my new local time.

Oh, and when I click on websites now they have this type of font (گیگگله نوو یف یو فیگورد وت هوو تو راد تهیس)

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