Thursday, April 21, 2011

Thursday. I got a few minutes before i go have a pt test. I should go sleep but im here instead. . . So ive put on some water 'bulk' while ive been here. I say that in hopes that the dfac hasnt stacked weight on me yet. I have morning classes and soon we'll be doing ealier pt. I.e. 3am in the morning. Im glad im not a morning person because this is gonna be rough! Class aint hard, we're going over stuff i already know. Life is good. Im excited for the weekend!

Monday, April 18, 2011

Ok so im trying to be viligent about this blogging. However. I did just recieve a briefing on blogging my life. Let me just say i was close to being killed by powerpoint. And i did find a weakness. . . . caffine! Im gonna try straying away from energy drinks, but i did have one today. Combine that with taking legit notes and doodles, and i safely stayed away from the front leaning rest

Sunday, April 17, 2011

Ok so im sitting in my bay wondering what to do. I start reading all my families blogs and i thought to myself 'self, why dont you do the same?' so i go to blogspot and found out i already had a blog! So here it is. A new start to my blogging. Itll be rough for a while (i am typing on a cheap cellphone) but i hope i can just keep the habit! This weekend has been nothing but formations, it is helping me settle down from intensely strict training. Im finding out that everyone goofs off here, but when school hits, its like BCT all over again, im depressed because i dont get an M16 Until week 14. Yes, i have 16 weeks of AIT her. At least i got one sunday under my belt, and a new past time.