I want to take a moment of your time to share with you a wonderful moment I got to share with my friend Tyler. Usually I say "long story short..." but why would i do that? you have a few seconds to peruse through this.
Tyler got a promotion, he will now be working full time! I used this as an excuse for us to hang out on a Friday night, Ashelyn isn't in town.... so what else am i to do???? Friday was also the day my boss decided to buy a newer security system. "The box says quick and easy installation, in under an hour" he told me.
Three hours later, I have Tyler helping wrap the cords and finish up. Mind you, I'm not dumb when it comes to installing electronics, its just we decided to hide cords in attics and go through walls, it was much more than an "easy installation"
So, we went home so i could clean up. Tyler to a look at show times and decided that a 845 showing of Mission Impossible was perfect for us. We had a little more than 2 hours to go eat before the movie, where should we go? Canellas!
We called in advance so we could make sure we had a seat, I told Tyler what was on the menu so he could better make a decision, I didn't want to be late to the movie! When we sat down and the waitress took our order (Lasagna for me, Pesto Ravioli for him, and tiramisu to share), Tyler looked over at the bar and said "There's Scott!"
"Scott who?"
"Mom's Scott"
Sure enough, at the bar was my mother's boyfriend, who suggested the restaurant to me ages ago. We flagged him down and started chatting. after some small talk he went back to his seat and finished. as he left, the waitress walked up to us and told us that the gentleman we were talking to just picked up the bill, tiramisu and all!!! Score!!!
We were feeling special that night, the spirit of charity was around us. As i looked around (I'm a people watcher) I noticed two ladies in the booth across from us. They were filming each other opening presents, naturally this intrigued me. I noticed that one of the presents they were passing around was a collage of one man in a military uniform.
Our waitress walked over to their table and picked up the black check book, and made some small talk. the only thing i heard was "He's in Afghanistan, I'm his mom and this is his girlfriend." After a while the waitress came over to our table to ask how everything was.
I asked her "have they paid yet?"
"No" she responded
I pulled out my card and told her I wanted to pick up their tab. When she asked what she should tell them, I fumbled with a response. this is where Tyler very calmly said "tell them a fellow soldier paid for the meal." PERFECT! Why didn't I think of that?
She came back with the book, I signed it and looked at Tyler. He nodded and we got up and left.....
I remember getting a gift card from a mother of a soldier because i was in my uniform and felt comforted knowing that there were boys like me willing to help her son get home.
I never knew how close the military families were to each other. they are held together by the triumphs, the pain, and the lose of people close to them. God Bless every soldiers family.. not just in these holidays, but the entire year..... you never know when you'll be celebrating Christmas with a soldier far away/
Saturday, December 24, 2011
Sunday, October 30, 2011
Next Step
I am trying to move out... It seems easy, find a place, give the manager money, have everyone help you move your stuff. Too Easy right?
NO! The first step is the most difficult thing to do!! granted, I have a potential roomate who is slightly picky, but i am perfectly find with that! because if i didnt have him rejecting anything outside of the I-15 and I-80 Circle, then i would have picked a crappy apartment on the west side of town (thank goodness i have a handgun!)
NO! The first step is the most difficult thing to do!! granted, I have a potential roomate who is slightly picky, but i am perfectly find with that! because if i didnt have him rejecting anything outside of the I-15 and I-80 Circle, then i would have picked a crappy apartment on the west side of town (thank goodness i have a handgun!)
Sunday, September 25, 2011
Forecast Unknown
OK OK OK Fine! All write about something right now. I will paint the picture as to why I am FINALLY writing in my blog after like a bazillion years. Well mainly I'm bored, I am shelled up in a Po-dunk hotel in the middle of a Po-dunk "city", in the middle of a Po-dunk State. I decided that I wanted to stretch my wings a little bit and finely do something on my own for once. So, i came back to my mission to say hi to everyone.... Well, the only ones really still talking to me are the Littles. so I'm saying hi to them.
Whilst I'm sitting here waiting for the time to pass, I took a look at every one's blog. . . . Stalker-style. This is what I found
There has been many people that I know that got married. I know I'm slacking on the whole "relationship" department, but I was never really good at it. I'll blissfully keep my Grilled Cheese at 10pm, my SUSHI EXPERIENCE and my multiple episodes of "Big Bang Theory," because I wouldn't have it any other way. (Yes, I would even keep the mannequin heads, as long as i don't find the in my bed)
I think everyone one has gone Bat-Sit Crazy, Because all they want to do is RUN, not from anything mind you, not from the bogeyman, or Jason, or Freddy, but run around. now, I've done that before, I don't think its amusing to run 2 miles then turn around and run back, SORRY CHARLIE
When did that become a topic in blogosphere full of females?! Well, I have one, It is nice to me, and I'm nice to it, We love eachother, The End.
So, Yes, I stole all Ya'alls Ideas and made them my own... next I will actuall come up with my own, add some pinache, some flavor flav! and maybe some photos
Whilst I'm sitting here waiting for the time to pass, I took a look at every one's blog. . . . Stalker-style. This is what I found
There has been many people that I know that got married. I know I'm slacking on the whole "relationship" department, but I was never really good at it. I'll blissfully keep my Grilled Cheese at 10pm, my SUSHI EXPERIENCE and my multiple episodes of "Big Bang Theory," because I wouldn't have it any other way. (Yes, I would even keep the mannequin heads, as long as i don't find the in my bed)
I think everyone one has gone Bat-Sit Crazy, Because all they want to do is RUN, not from anything mind you, not from the bogeyman, or Jason, or Freddy, but run around. now, I've done that before, I don't think its amusing to run 2 miles then turn around and run back, SORRY CHARLIE
When did that become a topic in blogosphere full of females?! Well, I have one, It is nice to me, and I'm nice to it, We love eachother, The End.
So, Yes, I stole all Ya'alls Ideas and made them my own... next I will actuall come up with my own, add some pinache, some flavor flav! and maybe some photos
Thursday, August 25, 2011
Where is my mind?
Saturday, July 23, 2011
As I look at the movie trailers that of films that are suppose to entice us for the next year i came to a conclusion... America knows how to keep me going to movies. this comes from the fact that the only reason i will see certain films is because of the supporting actress involved... lets face it, there is hardly a film conversation that doesnt end in, "and so-and-so wasnt bad to look at either!" I give kudos to not only the film makers but the actresses that know when america wants.
The Amazing SpiderMan: I would never consider seeing this remake if they did not put none other than Emma Stone in. although she is hard to place with her luxurious blonde hair, it will make do.... for now.
Three Musketeers: Victorian aged meets flying machines? what!? four musketeers when the title clearly states THREE?? Strike two ORLANDO BLOOM!? Strike three...... Milla Jovovich as an assassin... ALL is forgiven.... now how about the famous Side boob shot from her too?
That one show that has justin timberlake and mila kunis... enough said.
The Amazing SpiderMan: I would never consider seeing this remake if they did not put none other than Emma Stone in. although she is hard to place with her luxurious blonde hair, it will make do.... for now.
Three Musketeers: Victorian aged meets flying machines? what!? four musketeers when the title clearly states THREE?? Strike two ORLANDO BLOOM!? Strike three...... Milla Jovovich as an assassin... ALL is forgiven.... now how about the famous Side boob shot from her too?
That one show that has justin timberlake and mila kunis... enough said.
Wednesday, July 20, 2011
Tuesday, July 19, 2011
so i decided to update my rules
1. Never let them see you bleed
2. Always have an escape plan
3. When in doubt try another hole
4. Double down, and double tap
5. When the chips are down and your highs are low, JOY RIDE
1. Never let them see you bleed
2. Always have an escape plan
3. When in doubt try another hole
4. Double down, and double tap
5. When the chips are down and your highs are low, JOY RIDE
Tuesday, June 28, 2011
The True Memorial Day
In the perfect world, everyone would celebrate the holidays on the day they are marked on the calendar. Mostly because of missions and job responsibilities, Soldiers seem to have to celebrate the biggest holidays with their families months later.
Today I celebrated memorial day, not because I couldn't in May, I just didn't give it the proper respect it needed.
While walking to class in a mass formation (100+ AIT Soldiers) we like to sing cadences. This day was no different, however, the sergeant in charge got us real quiet and sang a new cadence for us. He was hushed and reverent, like a mother putting a child to sleep. We repeated each like just the same. The cadence described a scene that impacted me in such a way that i began to feel for the individual in the cadence, My Brother.
Later today we were in class being side-tracked by our teacher (we all have ADD) when she told someone to sing for us. "To get us motivated" was her excuse.
The tiniest female in our class got up and started to sing the nation's anthem. We quickly snapped to attention and froze. I was able to 'feel,' once again, for the soldiers that were in the song, They were My Brothers.
Moral of the story? It shouldn't matter when we 'celebrate' holidays, we should be reflecting on the past and giving thanks for what we have, that is really what celebrating is about.
Happy Indepence Day.
Today I celebrated memorial day, not because I couldn't in May, I just didn't give it the proper respect it needed.
While walking to class in a mass formation (100+ AIT Soldiers) we like to sing cadences. This day was no different, however, the sergeant in charge got us real quiet and sang a new cadence for us. He was hushed and reverent, like a mother putting a child to sleep. We repeated each like just the same. The cadence described a scene that impacted me in such a way that i began to feel for the individual in the cadence, My Brother.
Later today we were in class being side-tracked by our teacher (we all have ADD) when she told someone to sing for us. "To get us motivated" was her excuse.
The tiniest female in our class got up and started to sing the nation's anthem. We quickly snapped to attention and froze. I was able to 'feel,' once again, for the soldiers that were in the song, They were My Brothers.
Moral of the story? It shouldn't matter when we 'celebrate' holidays, we should be reflecting on the past and giving thanks for what we have, that is really what celebrating is about.
Happy Indepence Day.
Deep in the battlefield covered in blood
Lies and airborne ranger dying in the mud
Fighting for the Country he Loves
With those Silver wings upon his chest
Tells America he's one of the best
Rangers Lead the Way!
Lies and airborne ranger dying in the mud
Fighting for the Country he Loves
With those Silver wings upon his chest
Tells America he's one of the best
He fought for his country, and died like a man.
Tho' some people back home just wouldn't understand.
Back at home a young wife waits,
unaware that her Ranger has finally met his fate.
Her little boy's cryin' as she tucks him into bed,
Although no one's told him, he knows his daddys dead.
The boy grew up with a certain kind of shame,
His father was buried in a tomb with no name.
He finally got his chance when the country went to war,
he went to enlist just to even up the score.
After seven months training he finally saw the day,
out of 93 men, he got his green beret.
As he stood there looking at the big cheering crowd,
He knows deep inside he'll make his daddy proud.
Rangers Lead the Way!
Sunday, June 19, 2011
Well, I know I have just barely posted a blog, I swear I'm not getting addicted, however, my sister did this realy fun blog about fathers. I wont try to one-up her or anything by telling the word what my dad has taught me. Instead I'm going to share with you my Favorite quotes!!
"Assuming makes an ASS out of U and ME"
"Why do you always answer a question with a question?"
"See Ya later dad!" "If you're lucky and I'm Careless!!"
"why is everybody picking on me!?"
You Cannot forget the sound advice I got as well:
"The cats always black at night"
"It all goes one way, so it just doesnt matter"
"It all goes one way, so it just doesnt matter"
I Love you Dad!!! Thanks for everything!!!
Saturday, June 18, 2011
525600 minutes....
In the middle Month of June there always comes a time for most to sit back and reflect on things, generally because of graduations, dad's day, and its the middle of the year (have you been keeping up with your new years resolution?) I have had the fortune of sitting back today and realizing its been an adventurous time since I graduated in 2007 (yeah remember when?) So what I'd like to do is make a few comments of what has happened over the years.
2007 (that's 4 years ago):
Around this time I decided to get my Eagle scout award, and become one of the few (2% of SCOUTS) that attain the award. I also graduated from Alta High School, with mediocre grades, and a feeling that i knew as much as my parents did, I was sorely mistaken. Immediately after that I joined the college life, and really just did it for the social life.
2008 (That's 3 years ago):
The big thing of this year is that I had the half-baked idea that a mission would be easy. On March 17 2008 I read my mission call to Kentucky. ON THIS DAY 3 Years ago I Stepped through the doors of the MTC and began my mission serving the lord. I admit, I didn't go for the right reasons, but quickly I found them.
2009 (That's 2 years ago):
Two years ago I was looking at the end of my mission as if it was a distant mirage, something unattainable. I sat in a ma & pa pizza parlor eating pizza with my companion wondering what it would be like to be normal again (Obviously I still ha vent learned what it is to be normal)
2010 (That was last year!!!):
I sat across an room from a man that told me i was officially released as a missionary, I was the worse day of my life. I was asked to remove my name tag that set me apart from the world. I reluctantly complied. and Bawled my eyes out.
2011 (TODAY):
I sit in a big room with 60 uniformed soldiers getting geared up for another day. I am an American Soldier. Ready to defend this country I love, prepared to give the ultimate sacrifice for the people I learned to love both at home and on my mission. I wear my uniform with pride, because there are only 1% of America that wears it, and we have the strongest ties together.
Our Lives change daily, that's is why its hard to see the big picture of life. Look into your past just one year ago and you'll see changes you've made that are huge. look even further into the past, see even bigger changes.
2007 (that's 4 years ago):
Around this time I decided to get my Eagle scout award, and become one of the few (2% of SCOUTS) that attain the award. I also graduated from Alta High School, with mediocre grades, and a feeling that i knew as much as my parents did, I was sorely mistaken. Immediately after that I joined the college life, and really just did it for the social life.
2008 (That's 3 years ago):
The big thing of this year is that I had the half-baked idea that a mission would be easy. On March 17 2008 I read my mission call to Kentucky. ON THIS DAY 3 Years ago I Stepped through the doors of the MTC and began my mission serving the lord. I admit, I didn't go for the right reasons, but quickly I found them.
2009 (That's 2 years ago):
Two years ago I was looking at the end of my mission as if it was a distant mirage, something unattainable. I sat in a ma & pa pizza parlor eating pizza with my companion wondering what it would be like to be normal again (Obviously I still ha vent learned what it is to be normal)
2010 (That was last year!!!):
I sat across an room from a man that told me i was officially released as a missionary, I was the worse day of my life. I was asked to remove my name tag that set me apart from the world. I reluctantly complied. and Bawled my eyes out.
2011 (TODAY):
I sit in a big room with 60 uniformed soldiers getting geared up for another day. I am an American Soldier. Ready to defend this country I love, prepared to give the ultimate sacrifice for the people I learned to love both at home and on my mission. I wear my uniform with pride, because there are only 1% of America that wears it, and we have the strongest ties together.
Our Lives change daily, that's is why its hard to see the big picture of life. Look into your past just one year ago and you'll see changes you've made that are huge. look even further into the past, see even bigger changes.
Wednesday, June 8, 2011
There have been times in my life where i yell WHISKEY TANGO FOXTROT? Last friday was prime example, I thought the class leader was being Facetious in telling me to step out to the front of the formation. Little did I know it was more of a "hey, im not going to be class leader, its your turn good luck!" type of thing. Life would be ok, but we moved into a different school, so imagine the newbies in high school, being led by a newbie, thats how it was (blind leading the blind) but we got through it. Im getting gray hairs because of all the stuff but he. cie la vive!!!!
First rule is.. ..
I recently added a post on my facebook account stating my number one rule in life. At that time it was just something to post on my FB account, but now I have slowly asked myself "Self..... what are your rules?" well Blogspace is a good place to write down the thoughts eh?
Downs Rules and added commentary to surviving life (and the inevitable Zombie Apocalypse):
#1: Never let them see you bleed. (Them being Zombies, People or Enemies, you choose)
#2: Carry the bigger stick... you can always build more muscle.
#3: Duh. Double tap.. even on periods..
#4: People are Pawns (In your game of life, most are expendable)
#5: Pawns are People too!
I think those are the start, I will have more as I come up with them!
Downs Rules and added commentary to surviving life (and the inevitable Zombie Apocalypse):
#1: Never let them see you bleed. (Them being Zombies, People or Enemies, you choose)
#2: Carry the bigger stick... you can always build more muscle.
#3: Duh. Double tap.. even on periods..
#4: People are Pawns (In your game of life, most are expendable)
#5: Pawns are People too!
I think those are the start, I will have more as I come up with them!
Monday, May 30, 2011
memorize day

ok so this weekend is to remember my brother and sisters to gave the ultimate sacrifice to protect my freedom, and much like christmas and easter have become commercialized, so to has memorial day. I am at fault with that as much as the next guy, especially this year.
i was given four days off for this holiday, most people went home, a few cant go anywhere, the rest of us tore up augusta! The great thing about four days is theres so much you can do, but you cant do it alone....... Let me introduce my partner in crime this weekend... kristian this is blog, blog this is kristian.
Kristian and i spent all of saturday running around, shopping, lasertag- which is fun when you got two soldiers playing- minigolf (she hustled me!) ummm oh video is of sushi place, and no weekend is complete without movies!
Im grateful to have the opportunity to relax here. But really? When can i start learning?
Saturday, May 14, 2011
My list (?)
SO I had a really awesome idea of what i would blog about two days ago, now I'm sitting here with plenty of time to blog..... and a brain fart! I was gonna do something like this, I think
There are a few things in your life that just multiplies your happiness. here is a short list from me:
1) New Tech Toys (duh!)
2) Finishing the run
3) Perfectly made bed
4) Yummy food!
5) Nice Long Shower
6) Relaxing with friends
7) Perfect Plans being Perfectly Placed
8) Mmmm Sugar
9) Finishing a book
10) Being TOP DOG in your class
There are a few things in your life that just multiplies your happiness. here is a short list from me:
1) New Tech Toys (duh!)
2) Finishing the run
3) Perfectly made bed
4) Yummy food!
5) Nice Long Shower
6) Relaxing with friends
7) Perfect Plans being Perfectly Placed
8) Mmmm Sugar
9) Finishing a book
10) Being TOP DOG in your class
Saturday, May 7, 2011
I realize i haven't posted on this here thing in a while, i look at my sisters blog (mikeandlacie.blogspot.com) and i get so jealous because i want mine to look that cool, alas, i come to the realization that my computer skills lay in the hardware.... software is still a foreign language for me... so for now, i'm gonna do simple things like write a paragraph while listen to Collision Course by linkin park and jay-z.. the album comes highly recommended by me!!
Thursday, April 21, 2011
Thursday. I got a few minutes before i go have a pt test. I should go sleep but im here instead. . . So ive put on some water 'bulk' while ive been here. I say that in hopes that the dfac hasnt stacked weight on me yet. I have morning classes and soon we'll be doing ealier pt. I.e. 3am in the morning. Im glad im not a morning person because this is gonna be rough! Class aint hard, we're going over stuff i already know. Life is good. Im excited for the weekend!
Monday, April 18, 2011
Ok so im trying to be viligent about this blogging. However. I did just recieve a briefing on blogging my life. Let me just say i was close to being killed by powerpoint. And i did find a weakness. . . . caffine! Im gonna try straying away from energy drinks, but i did have one today. Combine that with taking legit notes and doodles, and i safely stayed away from the front leaning rest
Sunday, April 17, 2011
Ok so im sitting in my bay wondering what to do. I start reading all my families blogs and i thought to myself 'self, why dont you do the same?' so i go to blogspot and found out i already had a blog! So here it is. A new start to my blogging. Itll be rough for a while (i am typing on a cheap cellphone) but i hope i can just keep the habit! This weekend has been nothing but formations, it is helping me settle down from intensely strict training. Im finding out that everyone goofs off here, but when school hits, its like BCT all over again, im depressed because i dont get an M16 Until week 14. Yes, i have 16 weeks of AIT her. At least i got one sunday under my belt, and a new past time.
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