Tuesday, June 28, 2011

The True Memorial Day

In the perfect world, everyone would celebrate the holidays on the day they are marked on the calendar. Mostly because of missions and job responsibilities, Soldiers seem to have to celebrate the biggest holidays with their families months later.

Today I celebrated memorial day, not because I couldn't in May, I just didn't give it the proper respect it needed.

While walking to class in a mass formation (100+ AIT Soldiers) we like to sing cadences. This day was no different, however, the sergeant in charge got us real quiet and sang a new cadence for us. He was hushed and reverent, like a mother putting a child to sleep. We repeated each like just the same. The cadence described a scene that impacted me in such a way that i began to feel for the individual in the cadence, My Brother.

Later today we were in class being side-tracked by our teacher (we all have ADD) when she told someone to sing for us. "To get us motivated" was her excuse.

The tiniest female in our class got up and started to sing the nation's anthem. We quickly snapped to attention and froze. I was able to 'feel,' once again, for the soldiers that were in the song, They were My Brothers.

Moral of the story? It shouldn't matter when we 'celebrate' holidays, we should be reflecting on the past and giving thanks for what we have, that is really what celebrating is about.

Happy Indepence Day.

Deep in the battlefield covered in blood

Lies and airborne ranger dying in the mud

Fighting for the Country he Loves

With those Silver wings upon his chest

Tells America he's one of the best

He fought for his country, and died like a man.

Tho' some people back home just wouldn't understand.


Back at home a young wife waits,

unaware that her Ranger has finally met his fate.

Her little boy's cryin' as she tucks him into bed,

Although no one's told him, he knows his daddys dead.


The boy grew up with a certain kind of shame,

His father was buried in a tomb with no name.

He finally got his chance when the country went to war,

he went to enlist just to even up the score.


After seven months training he finally saw the day,

out of 93 men, he got his green beret.

As he stood there looking at the big cheering crowd,

He knows deep inside he'll make his daddy proud.



Rangers Lead the Way!

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