Saturday, May 14, 2011

My list (?)

SO I had a really awesome idea of what i would blog about two days ago, now I'm sitting here with plenty of time to blog..... and a brain fart! I was gonna do something like this, I think

There are a few things in your life that just multiplies your happiness. here is a short list from me:

1) New Tech Toys (duh!)
2) Finishing the run
3) Perfectly made bed
4) Yummy food!
5) Nice Long Shower
6) Relaxing with friends
7) Perfect Plans being Perfectly Placed
8) Mmmm Sugar
9) Finishing a book
10) Being TOP DOG in your class

1 comment:

  1. We used to make a perfectly made bed with all the issue stuff then make a bed over it with other sheets and blankets. That way, you never (maybe not NEVER) have to wash your issue stuff and you just stow the other stuff before inspection. Top Dog Rocks!!
