ok so this weekend is to remember my brother and sisters to gave the ultimate sacrifice to protect my freedom, and much like christmas and easter have become commercialized, so to has memorial day. I am at fault with that as much as the next guy, especially this year.
i was given four days off for this holiday, most people went home, a few cant go anywhere, the rest of us tore up augusta! The great thing about four days is theres so much you can do, but you cant do it alone....... Let me introduce my partner in crime this weekend... kristian this is blog, blog this is kristian.
Kristian and i spent all of saturday running around, shopping, lasertag- which is fun when you got two soldiers playing- minigolf (she hustled me!) ummm oh video is of sushi place, and no weekend is complete without movies!
Im grateful to have the opportunity to relax here. But really? When can i start learning?
hmm no video? Ill fix it