Before I begin, I missed the PRT by 5 situps, I guess that having a wonderful girl that can bake at home really added a few inches on my waist.
So if your looking for news, please disregard the rest of the blog, and hang up the phone now. If you are looking for a memoir; press 1 now, and read on.
This week when we were being tested on our physical capability, and the last event is the 2 mile run. Our course in NFH is a mile stretch of road, run from one cone to the other. The goal is to come in under the time designated for your age group. (Mine for an example is a 2 mile run in a measly 17:36).
The run doesnt catch up to you until over a mile. That is where you burn out all your anxiety energy, and you are just stranded out there, jogging home. It is slightly nerve racking because all the other group runs you are, well, in a group running together, sing cadences. The similiariry I see in each run is that we can't be silent! When we are focusing on our shins exploding, and the lack of air in our chest, we look out and shout at our peers quick phrases of encouragement, or bribery. I have been on both ends of this, as the one being yelled at, I straghtened up, breathed deeper, ran faster, and relaxed. As the shouter, I was distracted from my own problems. Focusing on the group effort removed my personal needs, because I could feel better if I pushed someone else across the finish line.
I look at the few people I live with, sleep with, eat with, and its truly is a different relationship that no one can understand unless you have been there yourself. I have had few other times where this has happened, mainly on my mission.
I try to explain the closeness of the relationships, but its hard to convey the emotions attached to it. I figure thats why it termed "Brothers in Arms"
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