OK OK OK Fine! All write about something right now. I will paint the picture as to why I am FINALLY writing in my blog after like a bazillion years. Well mainly I'm bored, I am shelled up in a Po-dunk hotel in the middle of a Po-dunk "city", in the middle of a Po-dunk State. I decided that I wanted to stretch my wings a little bit and finely do something on my own for once. So, i came back to my mission to say hi to everyone.... Well, the only ones really still talking to me are the Littles. so I'm saying hi to them.
Whilst I'm sitting here waiting for the time to pass, I took a look at every one's blog. . . . Stalker-style. This is what I found
There has been many people that I know that got married. I know I'm slacking on the whole "relationship" department, but I was never really good at it. I'll blissfully keep my Grilled Cheese at 10pm, my SUSHI EXPERIENCE and my multiple episodes of "Big Bang Theory," because I wouldn't have it any other way. (Yes, I would even keep the mannequin heads, as long as i don't find the in my bed)
I think everyone one has gone Bat-Sit Crazy, Because all they want to do is RUN, not from anything mind you, not from the bogeyman, or Jason, or Freddy, but run around. now, I've done that before, I don't think its amusing to run 2 miles then turn around and run back, SORRY CHARLIE
When did that become a topic in blogosphere full of females?! Well, I have one, It is nice to me, and I'm nice to it, We love eachother, The End.
So, Yes, I stole all Ya'alls Ideas and made them my own... next I will actuall come up with my own, add some pinache, some flavor flav! and maybe some photos